9 min read

    So you want Database Versioning?

    Tim Sehn|

    Here at DoltHub, we've had a lot of success with our "So you want..." series of blog posts helping people find Dolt when they are looking for it. Dolt is a lot of things. Dolt is a version controlled database, a Git database, Git for data, data…

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Found 20 matching articles.
    5 min read

    How to set up AWS SES for DoltLab

    DoltLab is the self-hosted version of DoltHub that lets you manage and customize a web-based Dolt remote complete with pull-request style workflows for seamless database collaboration. If you're looking to try DoltLab for the first time,...

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  2. SQL
    3 min read

    Correctness Update

    Welcome back to another installment of Dolt's monthly correctness updates! Here's last month's update , in case you missed it. This month, a couple new Dolt customers came to us with a variety of issues; they uncovered panics, syntax errors, and ...

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  3. SQL
    11 min read

    Choosing a Database Schema for Polymorphic Data

    Designing a schema for your relational database is a daunting task that has long term implications for the database's performance, maintainability, and correctness. And it often requires making decisions before having a clear picture of the exact…

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    3 min read

    Dolt + Threekit: Add Version Control to Your Application

    Dolt is a version controlled SQL database . How would you use such a thing? Are you building a data curation application for your customers? Are your customers asking for version control features like branches, merges, and diffs on the data ...

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  5. SQL
    8 min read

    Three Ways To Think About Channels

    One of Golang's steepest learning curves is how to use channels. At the practical level, channels are locked, buffered queues. Their API matches that of a queue, the implementation is a queue, and I find it easiest to write and read channel code...

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    3 min read

    Start earning achievements on DoltHub!

    Introducing Badges on DoltHub: Celebrate Your Milestones As DoltHub continues to grow, we’re excited to see more users actively engaging — creating databases, merging pull requests, and opening issues. Following our previous blog about ...

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    24 min read

    Three-way Merge in a SQL Database

    Dolt implements a Git-style commit graph on top of a Prolly-tree -based storage engine . This architecture makes Dolt the world's first and only version controlled SQL database . One of the major capabilities a version controlled SQL ...

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    2 min read

    Doltgres SQL Server Postgres Client Support

    Doltgres is a version-controlled, PostgreSQL-compatible database. This means any standard Postgres client should connect to the Doltgres server. Today’s blog shares an update on how far we are to support the standard Postgres SQL clients. We r...

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    14 min read

    Deep Dive on MySQL's Replication Protocol

    MySQL's replication protocol is widely used to help systems achieve high availability, load balancing, and data redundancy. The replication protocol was originally introduced waaaay back in 2000, and in the more than two decades since then, the…

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  10. SQL
    5 min read

    Dolt Is 25% Faster Running TPC-C

    Dolt is the first relational database that versions data the same way Git versions source code. Dolt is 100% MySQL compliant and implements Git's interface with the same "proportional to diff" runtime. We spend a lot of time making sure we compe...

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    16 min read

    DoltLab Cloud Storage

    We recently released DoltLab v2.1.6 which allows DoltLab Enterprise to use cloud storage, instead of disk storage on the DoltLab host. At the time of this writing, only AWS cloud resources are supported. This blog will walk you through set...

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    5 min read

    The Exciting Future of JSON on Dolt

    tl;dr: Querying JSON documents in Dolt is about to get a huge performance boost. Beginning with Dolt 1.40, we're changing the way that Dolt writes JSON documents to disk. This will allow us to greatly improve performance when working with JSON. T...

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    4 min read

    pg_catalog: read only, or read-write?

    Introduction We're hard at work building Doltgres , a Postgres-compatible database with git-inspired version control features. Our long-term goal is to be a drop-in replacement for Postgres, so that application developers can use Doltgres w...

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  14. USE CASE
    2 min read

    Dolt + FJA: Version Control in Your Application

    Dolt is a version controlled SQL database . How would you use such a thing? Are you building a data curation application for your customers? Are your customers asking for version control features like branches, merges, and diffs? Are you loo...

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    4 min read

    Pandas DataFrames Works With Dolt

    Today's blog we will go over a simple way to utilize Pandas Dataframes using Dolt's version control features. Pandas Dataframes simplify data manipulation and analysis. Dolt simplifies data sharing and collaboration. Combining the two, a user can…

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    7 min read

    Getting Started: DoltLab + GCP

    We're on a DoltLab documentation tear. A few weeks ago, I wrote a Getting Started blog that outlined how to get DoltLab installed on an AWS EC2 host . Upon customer request, Dustin wrote a blog on how to get DoltLab set up on Azure . Toda...

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    5 min read

    Introducing Embedded Dolt Commands in `dolt sql`

    In the SQL universe, there are many tools which people use to interact with their data. There are applications like DBeaver which is a full GUI Application, or Dolt's WorkBench which uses a browser for its GUI components. On the other end of ...

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    4 min read

    Announcing Sequences Support

    We're steadily making progress on DoltgreSQL , which is a version of Dolt built to be a drop-in replacement for PostgreSQL. For those that may not know about Dolt , it's built as a drop-in replacement for MySQL that is built, from the ground...

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    4 min read

    Which Dolt is Right for You?

    Here at DoltHub, we build a surprisingly large number of products all built around the "version controlled database" theme. We have Dolt , Doltgres , Hosted Dolt , DoltHub , DoltLab , and the Dolt Workbench . We know this is a daz...

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  20. GOLANG
    16 min read

    Sentinel errors and errors.Is() slow your code down by 500%

    In this blog post, we benchmark different strategies for handling errors in Go and discuss their relative performance and other tradeoffs. The difference in performance between different strategies was very surprising to us, and we'd like to share…...

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