Getting Started with DoltLab Video

1 min read

We recently launched our latest product DoltLab, the self-hosted version of DoltHub. In the announcement blog I detailed the instructions for getting up and running with DoltLab on a Linux host and today's video demonstrates just how quick and easy it really is.

This video begins with a terminal to a host running Ubuntu 20.04 that has ports 22, 80, 100, 50051 and 4321 open. I cover how to provision such a host in AWS here, but by no means are any cloud resources required for DoltLab.

I then proceed to install the dependencies required for running DoltLab outlined here. To make installing these even simpler, I created this bootstrap script that you can copy and run to take care of installing all the dependencies on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 for you.

Simply copy to the host where you want to run DoltLab and run ./ v0.2.0 to prepare the host to run the latest version of DoltLab v0.2.0, or run ./ with-sudo v0.2.0 if your host requires installations with the sudo command.

After the script completes, it will tell you to run sudo newgrp docker so that the docker command can run without sudo. After that, you can simply run the ./ script with the proper environment variables and have your own DoltLab running and ready to use!

We'd love for you to give DoltLab a try, and let us know what features you'd like to see added to make it a better experience for your use case. Join our Discord community if you'd like to follow along or chat with us about all of the upcoming DoltLab work.



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