Get Started with Hosted Dolt

1 min read

Hosted Dolt

If you missed the news, Hosted Dolt is here!

Hosted Dolt Logo

We'll provision CPU, memory, and disk in a cloud and region of your choice and run a Dolt database for you. We'll handle monitoring and logging. In the future, we'll handle backup, replication, upgrades, and a host of other administrative tasks so you can build your Dolt application without worrying about running a Dolt database yourself. Hosted Dolt is like Amazon RDS for Dolt.

Dolt marries two familiar concepts, Git and MySQL. The first and only SQL database that supports clone, branch, and merge for data and schema.

Getting Started

In this video, we show you how to setup your Hosted Dolt instance and connect to TablePlus. Swing by our Discord or send us an email with questions and feature requests.



Get started with Dolt

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