SQL Vertical Output Format

3 min read

Dolt is a database that has Git-like version control features and MySQL-like database handling features. Every day we come closer to achieving full functionality of both Git and MySQL. We support the main features of Git including branch, merge, diff, push and pull and MySQL compatible server and client functions.

In MySQL there are SQL Client commands and Output formats. Today, we announce support for a couple new client commands, \g and \G. Weirdly, \G is also an output format. So, we have a new one of those as well to go along with already supported json and csv.

Entering the world of MySQL client commands

Up until now, a semicolon (or your choice of DELIMITER) was the only option to terminate and execute an SQL statement in Dolt SQL. You can now use the equivalent client command \g to terminate your query. But sometimes, the output of these statements are hard for humans to read — this is where \G comes in.

The query statements in Dolt SQL currently prints in tabular format by default but can be set to either csv or json. They can be very useful in some specific cases, but it is often unreadable. Besides these formats, SQL vertical format is very different from any of these options in Dolt SQL. A simple example of tabular and vertical formats look like this:

shell$ dolt sql
# Welcome to the DoltSQL shell.
# Statements must be terminated with ';'.
# "exit" or "quit" (or Ctrl-D) to exit.
us_housing_prices> SHOW DATABASES;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| us_housing_prices  |
us_housing_prices> SHOW DATABASES\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Database: information_schema
*************************** 2. row ***************************
Database: us_housing_prices

With a few columns and rows of data, it does not make much sense why this format would be useful.

Why is it useful?

When I was implementing this feature, one specific question bothered me: "What is it used for?". I did not have an answer. I didn't find out until much later, when I had already been working on a different project that dealt with many columns and rows within a table.

SQL vertical format can be very helpful when reading data from huge tables. To show the difference between tabular and vertical formats, I will use the current bounty database, US Housing Prices.

It looks like this on my terminal. Without decreasing the font size a lot, it is very hard to read data with many columns. Here is 2 rows of data from sales table.

us_housing_prices> select * from sales limit 2;
| state | zip5  | physical_address   | city        | county      | property_id | sale_date                     | proper
ty_type           | sale_price | seller_name | buyer_name | num_units | year_built | source_url                        
                           | book | page |
| CA    | 90241 | 10717 WOODRUFF AVE | DOWNEY      | LOS ANGELES | 6285028005  | 1991-08-19 00:00:00 +0000 UTC | SINGLE
 FAMILY RESIDENCE | 247500     | NULL        | NULL       | 1         | 1955       | https://portal.assessor.lacounty.g
 ov/parceldetail/6285028005 | NULL | NULL |
| CA    | 90241 | 10717 WOODRUFF AVE | DOWNEY      | LOS ANGELES | 6285028005  | 1999-10-28 00:00:00 +0000 UTC | SINGLE
 FAMILY RESIDENCE | 229000     | NULL        | NULL       | 1         | 1955       | https://portal.assessor.lacounty.g
 ov/parceldetail/6285028005 | NULL | NULL |

The above sure looks messy, but some people could probably read it. Now, here is the vertical format of 2 rows of data of the same table.

us-housing-prices> select * from sales limit 2\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           state: CA
            zip5: 91801
physical_address: 1105 N STONEMAN AVE, UNIT   G
            city: ALHAMBRA
          county: LOS ANGELES
     property_id: 5322011067
       sale_date: 1980-12-15 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
   property_type: CONDOMINIUM
      sale_price: 87500
     seller_name: NULL
      buyer_name: NULL
       num_units: 1
      year_built: 1972
      source_url: https://portal.assessor.lacounty.gov/parceldetail/5322011067
            book: NULL
            page: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
           state: CA
            zip5: 91801
physical_address: 1105 N STONEMAN AVE, UNIT   G
            city: ALHAMBRA
          county: LOS ANGELES
     property_id: 5322011067
       sale_date: 1992-08-14 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
   property_type: CONDOMINIUM
      sale_price: 158000
     seller_name: NULL
      buyer_name: NULL
       num_units: 1
      year_built: 1972
      source_url: https://portal.assessor.lacounty.gov/parceldetail/5322011067
            book: NULL
            page: NULL

Ah, much better. It's kind of like "record" format. As in each row looks more like a card in a card catalog or rolodex.

the-setup the-setup

SQL vertical format is now available on Dolt SQL shell, as well as any cli commands that accept an optional -r or --result-format flag.

shell$ dolt sql -r vertical -q "show tables"
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: sales
*************************** 2. row ***************************
Table: states

\G and \g are just the beginning. We intend to support the full list of SQL Client commands like \c for clear and \e to launch and editor in the Dolt SQL shell. We started with \G because of the output format utility. We now support all the MySQL output formats except tab delimited.

Try out Dolt!

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