Announcing Username and Password Login

1 min read

DoltHub is a web application for hosting and collaborating on Dolt repositories. Until now, DoltHub has only supported creating accounts and signing in with third-party providers - currently Google and GitHub. We're excited to announce that DoltHub now supports the ability to create first-party accounts and sign in with a username and password.

How to create an account with a password

Go to Click the Sign up for DoltHub button on the left side and you'll be presented with these options:

Create account modal

Choose Sign up with Email and fill out the form with your email, username, and password. If your username or password do not meet our requirements, an error will pop up under the corresponding input. If your account is successfully created, you will be taken to your profile.

Create account with password form

Unlike Google signup, when you create an account with a username and password, you will need to take the extra step to verify your email address. Check your inbox for an email from DoltHub with the subject "Please verify your address" (don't forget to check other folders and spam if you can't find it).

Your DoltHub account is now ready for use! You can find the directions to get started on your profile, and you'll now be able to further interact with the DoltHub community and Dolt repositories by creating and starring repositories, making and joining organizations, opening pull requests, and more.

If you're signing in and forget your username or password, we can send you a password reset link through this form. Please note: your email address must be verified in order to receive emails from us. Once you click on the link sent to your email, you'll be asked to enter a new password and log in again.

Reset password page

Looking forward

While supporting first-party accounts is a big step towards making DoltHub accessible to a wider audience, we have more items on the roadmap to further strengthen account security and usability. Some future features we're planning to support include:

  • Using passwords to log in to third-party accounts
  • Two-factor authentication

We have already done the work to support a variety of authentication methods, so if you have any requests, please let us know!



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