Testing Dolt's SQL Engine

4 min read

When we first started writing Dolt, we weren’t thinking about SQL functionality. We just knew we wanted a way to package data sets to make them easy to share, collaborate and merge -- to do for data what git did for source code. But as we demoed the product to potential partners and customers, we very quickly realized that we needed a way for users to analyze large amounts of data, and to interoperate with the rest of their tool chain. SQL is the standard that bridges these gaps. It’s the magic sauce that makes dolt so powerful and user-friendly.

% dolt sql -q "create table demo (a int primary key, b int unsigned)"
% dolt sql -q "show tables"
| tables |
| demo   |
% dolt sql -q "insert into demo values (1, 2), (3, 4)"
| updated |
| 2       |
% dolt sql -q "select * from demo"
| a | b |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |

Dolt is built on of a fork of noms, which didn’t support SQL, opting instead to use the much less popular GraphQL. So we needed to build our own SQL engine on top of noms, and set about doing it. Our first pass worked well enough to demonstrate SQL’s utility for Dolt as a proof of concept, and it was a lot of fun to write. However, it had a lot of gaps in functionality. And worse, we didn’t have a lot of confidence that it was correct for all queries. How do you go about testing something with a surface area as large as SQL?

Our first strategy was to just write lots and lots of our own test queries. This is a great start, but it’s hard to know when you have enough coverage. And writing tests this way makes you vulnerable to the biases of whoever is writing the tests. We would often discover a bug when another team member ran a query that didn’t work quite right, or that simply caused a panic. But we kept going, writing hundreds of test cases like this one:

		Name:  "column selected more than once",
		Query: "select first, first from people where age >= 40 order by id",
		ExpectedRows: Rs(
			NewResultSetRow(types.String("Homer"), types.String("Homer")),
			NewResultSetRow(types.String("Moe"), types.String("Moe")),
			NewResultSetRow(types.String("Barney"), types.String("Barney")),
		ExpectedSchema: NewResultSetSchema("first", types.StringKind, "first", types.StringKind),

After a few months of iterating on our own engine, we started looking around for a faster way to bootstrap more SQL coverage, and discovered the go-mysql-server project. It seemed very promising -- it had a lot of functionality that we hadn’t implemented in our own engine yet, including a MySQL-compatible server and much better support for joins and complex expressions. We decided to switch, and ported all the tests we had written to test our own engine to the new one. But there was a problem: despite having a lot more capabilities, the test coverage for go-mysql-server was substantially worse than what we had developed. In porting our tests to the new engine, we discovered several bad bugs and gaps in functionality that we needed to fix before making the switch. This experience didn’t give us a lot of faith that the new engine would yield more correct results than our own engine did. And we still didn’t have a good idea for a general strategy for testing SQL engine correctness.

We researched what other database engines did to test their products, and discovered the MySQL integration tests that ship with MySQL. This approach had real potential: now that we had a MySQL-compatible server thanks to go-mysql-server, in principle we should be able to run all of MySQL’s integration tests against dolt!

% mysqltest [options] [db_name] < test_file

Unfortunately, after spending weeks massaging the test framework to run against dolt and interpreting the results, we realized this approach was a dead end. MySQL’s integration tests aren’t functional tests against the SQL standard, but deeply arcane tests of MySQL’s internals such as the binary log format. Cleaning up the tests to be purely functional, black-box tests would be a massive undertaking.

Back to the drawing board. More google searching eventually turned up the sqllogictest package, originally developed by SQLite to test their own engine. They faced the same problem we did, and came up with a novel approach to solve it: instead of trying to develop a comprehensive set of queries and correct results, they developed a templating language that let them generate millions of different queries, which they then ran on MySQL, Postgres and other databases to generate the expected results. The tests are defined in dozens of separate script files that look like this:

statement ok
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_tab4_2 ON tab4 (col0 DESC)

statement ok

query I rowsort label-0
SELECT pk FROM tab0 WHERE col3 < 6 OR col3 < 1 AND col3 BETWEEN 2 AND 7

The package includes 6.7 million test statements and expected results, covering a pretty wide footprint of the SQL standard. It was exactly what we were looking for, and we set about getting the tests running on dolt.

The only problem was that the C code that ships with these tests had been long neglected and no longer could even connect to an ODBC connector, which it would need to do to drive dolt. After many fruitless hours trying to get the runner binaries to compile and work, we gave in and implemented our own native golang test driver for sqllogictest files. Running these against the dolt database demonstrated the following results, which we have published in a dolt repository. You can experiment with these results yourself by cloning the dolt repository:

% dolt clone dolthub/dolt-sqllogictest-results
% cd dolt-sqllogictest-results
% dolt sql -q "select result, count(*) from dolt_results group by 1"
| result  | COUNT(*) |
| skipped | 1315601  |
| ok      | 1335695  |
| not ok  | 4233009  |

So by this benchmark, dolt has slightly less than 20% SQL correctness. The vast majority of failures are caused by gaps in functionality, such as INSERT INTO TABLE1 SELECT * FROM TABLE2 statements, which are used extensively in test setup. We’re confident that with a few small improvements to go-mysql-server, we can substantially increase our correctness metrics. After we are more satisfied with those numbers, we’ll shift our focus to performance, which is especially bad today for large joins.

Today we’re excited to announce that we have open-sourced our golang sqllogictest driver. Integrators just need to implement a simple harness for their database in golang in order to run the full suite of 6.7 million sqllogictest statements and queries. Our hope is that this will help other open source database projects build better products, and that others will contribute their work back to the community, including expanding on the set of test queries and supported types.



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